Per Bishop Taylor’s instructions, at Saint Matthias and all Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Los Angeles:
“Communion wine may not be offered […] either for sipping or by intinction, until we can be confident that the danger of mass COVID-19 infections has abated.” Bishop Taylor reminds us that, “according to our theology of Holy Eucharist, the work of the sacrament is complete when taken in only one kind.”
“…All those touching communion wafers [should] wash their hands vigorously with soap and water immediately before their work at the altar begins.”
“Ministers distributing the host should drop it onto the communicant’s palm rather than placing it on their tongue.”
In situations where we might ordinarily stand in a circle and pass communion to each other, we should instead “appoint Eucharistic ministers to serve the consecrated host.”
For now, Soup Hour meals will be distributed as sack lunches.
Wash your hands frequently with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
Sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm rather than into your hand.
During the passing of the peace, respect the wishes of those who prefer not to touch. Consider waving hello or giving the peace sign instead.
If you think you may be getting sick, stay home. You can watch the 10:00 a.m. service live on Facebook. (Note: You may be prompted to create a Facebook account, but one is NOT required in order to watch the videos.)