The Loving Thing: Information for Guests
Nutritious sandwiches, snacks, fruit, and juice are served every weekday from 3 PM to 4 PM in the courtyard just north of the Saint Matthias sanctuary, at 7056 Washington Avenue. The food is fully complimentary.
Although we have no rules per se, we do expect all our guests to conduct themselves properly, and to interact with staff, volunteers, and other guests with courtesy and respect. Guests who violate this expectation may be asked to leave.
The Loving Thing guests may be interested in taking advantage of other services and amenities we provide, including U.S. mail service, hygiene kits, and information about various social services. To learn more, please come to the Saint Matthias office, located at the northeast corner of the courtyard and open from 9 AM to 4 PM every weekday.
For more information, please contact Parish Administrator Sophie McIntosh at 562-698-9741, or via email: Sophie McIntosh <>