Worship Schedule

There are two services every Sunday and Bible Study and Morning Prayer every Wednesday.


08:00 AM Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer (with minimal music)

08:00 AM Bulletin

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer (with choral music)

10:00 AM Bulletin

Weekly Announcements

10:00 AM Sunday School

10:00 AM Nursery

11:15 AM Coffee in the Saint Francis Patio

11:30 AM Choir Rehearsal


10:00 AM Bible Study with Morning Prayer

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Additional Information

Educational Opportunities for Adults

Throughout the year, members of the Saint Matthias clergy offer educational series for adults and older children; classes begin at 9 AM and conclude ten minutes before the 10 AM service.

Fellowship and Socializing

Every Sunday following the 10 AM service parishioners and guests of Saint Matthias congregate in the courtyard just north of the sanctuary for coffee and light snacks. During the summer, various parish ministry groups host breakfasts at 9 AM at which all are welcome.