Buildings & Grounds Clean-Up: Your Assistance is Requested

by Stan Jamieson, Junior Warden

St. Matthias Buildings and Grounds has started a clean-up campaign geared towards getting rid of items which are not property of St. Matthias. Over the years our storage areas have become overcrowded with items that need to be removed and disposed of by whatever means necessary.

If you have items or files that belong to you it would be appreciated if you would come by the church and remove them prior to September 11th. Items not removed by this date will be disposed of in the following weeks.

If you have items stored and have received special permission to keep at St. Matthias, please let me know as soon as possible.

Secondly, we are planning several workdays for the purpose of loading items into dumpsters for disposal and general cleanup of our storage rooms. We will need some volunteers to assist us and if you would like to step up and help it would be highly appreciated. Workdays will be on Saturdays as follows from 10AM till 2PM:

  • Saturday September 25th

  • Saturday October 9th

  • Saturday October 23rd

  • Saturday November 6th – IF NEEDED

Please contact me at or 626-485-5885.

Thank you

Stan Jamieson

Jr. Warden