Letter to the Parish on Our Reopening

by Fr. Bill Garrison

View of the Sanctuary at Saint Matthias from the Altar - Photo by Nate Warner

View of the Sanctuary at Saint Matthias from the Altar - Photo by Nate Warner


Dear Friends,

It appears we will be home soon, July 5 th to be exact. Services will be at 8 and 10 as normal, but that is about where normal is going to end. We will be experiencing a “new normal” for a bit before we return to the way things were before the pandemic impacted us.

Masks will be mandatory and social distancing will be in effect. We will also be disinfecting and cleaning like crazy. Overflow attendance made necessary by social distancing will be in Lewis Hall. Below is a list of most everything you may expect when you arrive.

As your rector my primary goal has been to see that we all arrive safely back at church. To the best of my knowledge none of our people has contracted the virus. My goal remains the same, everybody safe.

I celebrate that fact that a majority of our people were able to experience worship online while we have been away, but sadly some were not. So we have some herding to do to locate our missing sheep and bring them home to the sheepfold, either in the church building or by assisting them to experience worship online.

If you are hesitant to return on the 5th please know we understand and support you. Please continue to join the services online and if you have problems accessing them let us help you. Just give us a call or send an email.

I don’t know about you, but in the midst of all the excitement in the last few months I found the Holy Spirit everywhere I looked. We loved God more than ever. We cared for our neighbors. We loved each other as Christ loved us. We worshipped, small groups prospered, finances remained intact. The hungry were fed. And in the meantime we learned a lot of new skills that will enhance our ministries in the future. God has been extremely good to us. Thanks be to God.





  • Ask yourself whether you currently have any of the following symptoms. If your answer is “yes,” please stay home and watch the service at https://www.facebook.com/stmatthiaswhittier or https://zoom.us/j/91597283264. (Dial-in by calling 669-900-6833 and using the webinar I.D. 915 9728 3264; download the worship bulletin at stmatthiaswhittier.org/live-stream-videos.)

    • Fever (99°F or higher)

    • Chills

    • Muscle aches

    • Cough (new)

    • Shortness of breath (new)

    • Unexpected fatigue

    • Sore throat

    • Loss of taste or smell

    • Headache

    • Diarrhea

    • Vomiting

    • Nausea

    • Other cold symptoms

  • Have a mask ready. Everyone (with the exception of children under two years old) must wear a mask in order to enter the building. If you arrive at church without a mask, one will be provided.

  • Plan to arrive early, or consider attending the 8:00 a.m. service. Seating in the sanctuary will be limited. Overflow seating will be offered in Lewis Hall.


  • Be mindful of social distancing. Follow posted instructions regarding traffic flow.

  • Enter through the main sanctuary entrance on Washington Avenue. The Wardman Street doors will be exit-only.

  • Ushers will scan your temperature at the door and provide you with a mask if necessary. If your temperature is 99°F or higher, you will not be permitted to enter the building.

  • Ushers will seat you. In order to maintain social distancing, congregants will be seated six feet apart as the pews are marked, from the front of the sanctuary to the back, and will be dismissed from the back of the sanctuary to the front. Members of the same household will be seated together.

  • Child care will not be provided.

  • Expect changes to the service.

    • Hymns will be sung by the choir only; there will be no congregational singing or audible recitation of prayers.

    • Communion will be distributed in stations, and only the wafer will be offered.

  • There will be no coffee hour.