Ministries at Saint Matthias: The Soup Hour

by Wei-San Mohindar

The Saint Francis Patio, Home to the Soup Hour

The Saint Francis Patio, Home to the Soup Hour

I started volunteering at the Soup Hour many years ago because I wanted to do something to give back and thought that the Soup Hour would be a good fit. So Rahul, my husband, and I would show up at 1 pm and try to put together a meal for about 100-120 people working with the canned goods we have in the pantry and any other fresh protein or produce that had been donated. We learnt very quickly how to cook a large amount of pasta or rice as a basis for a “casserole” and would put in canned or fresh protein and produce to make it as appetizing as possible. 

With the help of other volunteers we usually manage to have a large casserole and maybe a green salad as well as donated sweet things to serve along with Ben’s punch and coffee at 3 pm. 

Through all the years of cooking and serving in the Soup Hour I have been left with no doubt as to who is in charge. Not me, not Ben, not Dottie or any of the other volunteers. GOD is in charge. When we have no protein to add to the casserole, a donation shows up. When a refrigerator dies another is donated. If we run out of pasta, someone will show up with cooked spaghetti and when we need volunteers to help out, someone will show up to do community service or just to volunteer. 

Christ fed 5000 with 5 loaves and a few small fishes and He continues to do so today through the Soup Hour. He fed the multitude with loaves and fishes but today it is pasta or rice or sandwiches with fruit and a carton of juice. The menu may have changed but God is still feeding those who are hungry and in need of a meal. That has not changed.

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